
Others' Lives

Why is that I am obsessed with other people's blogs? With other people's lives, their thoughts, their wishes and dreams.
I hadn't realized this obsession until fairly recently, when some point this summer I embraced the fact that I was a blog aficionado. I started this blog, and I finally put together a blog roll listing every blog I followed religiously.
What that roll doesn't show is that when I discovered each of those blogs, at some point soon afterward, I went back into the archives and read them all. Entirely, thoroughly, completely.
I find it incredibly fascinating to read through someone's life as it's happening, to see how they don't know what will unfold, to hear stories of their days or events in their life regularly until some big culminating moment, or not at all, or until the present. See the evolution of the writing, of the person, of the relationships they talk about in their posts.
I get way invested. These people are like celebrities to me, I worship them in some weird sick way.
I've only met one blogger that I was a big fan of. It took an hour of my sister pushing me + two glasses of wine to get the courage to walk up to her, introduce myself and explain I was a huge fan. Meanwhile, another blogger that I adore was standing a couple of feet away and I couldn't bring myself to do that.
But the first meeting was incredible. We hugged, we chatted, etc. I sent her an e-mail afterward but no reply. She's busy I think.
But it was cool.

I've reestablished my relationship with the production world recently.

I had all sorts of crazy life happenings, I did a two week stint on curb which was alright, then I spent about a week chasing after a dream job that didn't pan out. I cried a lot when that fell through. Same day, my Mom informed me of some awful medical happenings with my grandfather and we booked next day flights to Texas. I spent two weeks there, mainly in the hospital. It was tough.

Nearing the end of the Texas trip, I got an offer for a 4 week production gig that I figured would be a good way to get out of the house, make some cash, rekindle some connections. The first two weeks turned into a 6 month job offer.

And so.

Now I live in Prospect Heights (I guess) in Brooklyn, I start my new job on Monday on a feature film, I am back to the struggle of health and happiness vs work. But guess what? It is kind of getting a lot easier.

I like my new bosses. They're really cool girls, they are smart and interesting and way more chill than people I've worked with in the past.

I've actually enjoyed the job, and haven't been entirely exhausted after work all the time. I mean, I am tired a lot but I've been able to go out and do things a couple of nights a week after work - which is impressive.


I wrote this a couple of days ago and never published. It's not complete, but I'm at work and can't spend too much time writing a blog post. But I like some of the thoughts expressed, so here we are.

I bought this really great journal and I'm really excited to fill it.

Something about actual journal writing is so amazing to me, I love the idea that 20 years down the line I'll be able to read it all back and know what it was like to be 21, living in NYC and working in the film industry.

Livin' the dream, baby! /part sarcasm, part gloating

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